The Red Carpet at MIPCOM


The Canada Media Fund (CMF) implemented several strategies to communicate information to its stakeholders as well as support the Canadian television and digital media industry by reaching out to new audiences.

The CMF and Telefilm Canada partnered to develop the Eye on Canada brand which was launched in June 2013 at the Banff World Media Festival in partnership with the Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA) and Telefilm. The CMPA contributed to this initiative by developing a social media strategy to promote Canadian audiovisual content through Twitter and Facebook.

A hashtag using the brand #eyeoncanada (#vuesurlecanada) was created and has been used by many industry representatives. As of December 2013, the hashtag had been used over 9,900 times by many industry groups. A Twitter account and Facebook page have also been created.

A social media committee was formed with representatives from 33 industry organizations resulting in a brand identity guide on how best to use Eye on Canada and reach out to a broader audience of Canadian consumers. A preliminary communications plan lays the groundwork for short-, mid-, and long-term strategies and actions to support the brand.

Work has continued to increase demand by making Canadian content available and visible to consumers anytime, anywhere, in any way through a centralized repository of curated classic and current Canadian content.

A database of 16,000 titles has been reviewed and two databases have been created (for film and TV). The exercise focused on the top 10% of award-winning films and TV series by decade and the first 1000 are from 1995 to 2005. Market interest in the titles was assessed and a final report prepared to steer initiatives in the coming year.

The CMF partnered with Telefilm and several industry leaders to promote Canadian content at strategic events in Western and Eastern Canada (Calgary and St-John’s) as well as international events such as MIPTV, MIPJUNIOR, MIPCOM and NATPE.

Preliminary discussions have taken place with the CMPA to develop access to locations and studios so Canadians can witness first-hand the quality of work and talent that our audiovisual industry has to offer.

Corporate Communications

The CMF managed a large number of actions designed to inform and promote the CMF. Key communications actions were delivered and overall results improved considerably while stakeholder perceptions were maintained at high levels.

Actions include 49 partnerships in Canada and internationally, 76 speaking opportunities and presentations, 49 bilingual news releases, government relations material and meetings, website enhancements and updates, new marketing material and ads, a corporate logo update, new brochures, and the creation of a public newsletter and internal newsletter.

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