Shuyan the Kung Fu Princess is a multi-platform story-world that includes a CG animated television series, digital comics, and video games.

Diverse Languages Program

The Diverse Languages Program is designed to support independent production in languages that reflect the diversity of Canadians by funding projects in languages other than English, French, or Aboriginal languages. This program is part of the Canada Media Fund’s (CMF) Convergent Stream; thus, projects funded through this stream must include content to be produced for distribution on at least two platforms, one of which must be television and the other, digital media. Funding from this program is allocated according to a selective process using an evaluation grid.

The Diverse Languages Program committed $1.9M to ten convergent projects in Mandarin, Spanish, Farsi, and Italian. The program has supported 10 projects for the last three years running. Production activity triggered by this program has stabilized at $5.2M. 48.8% of funding went toward Mandarin-language Drama and Documentary productions. Two Spanish-language projects received 20.0% of funding, one Documentary and one Variety & Performing Arts. Five Documentaries received a total of in total received 48.6% of funding in 2013-2014. One Children’s & Youth production in Farsi received funding for a total Diverse Languages Program commitment of 15.6% to the genre.   All of the projects were complemented with digital media components receiving a total of $871K or a 45.4% share of total Diverse Languages Program funding, the highest level of the CMF Convergent Stream.

Funding by Language 2013-2014

TV DM Total Number of projects Hours Budgets
Mandarin 438 498 936 6 21 -
Spanish 211 174 385 2 2 -
Farsi 200 100 300 1 1 -
Italian 200 99 299 1 2 -
Total 1,049 871 1,920 10 26 5,151


Funding by Genre Trends

  2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
Number of projects Hours Budgets
Number of projects Hours Budgets
Number of projects Hours Budgets
Number of projects Hours Budgets
Children's & Youth 95 1 1 - 378 2 1 - 270 1 1 - 300 1 1  
Documentary 772 5 14 - 713 6 7 - 820 5 6 - 932 5 5  
Drama 133 2 3 - 235 1 5 - 771 3 23 - 489 3 19  
Variety & Performing Arts 0 0 0 - 174 1 3 - 139 1 1 - 199 1 1  
Total 1,000 8 18 2,978 1,500 10 16 4,799 2,000 10 31 6,049 1,920 10 26 5,151


Financing Sources

Broadcasters were the majority financiers in diverse language television projects at 37.6%, with the CMF providing 31.9% of television and 73.6% of digital media financing. Provincial governments were the other major partner in television at 21.2% and in digital media at 11.1%.

Financing 2013-2014

  Television Digital Media
($K) % ($K) %
CMF - Diverse 1,049 31.9 871 46.7
CMF - Convergent Digital Media Incentive, Performance Envelope 0 0.0 502 26.9
CMF 1,049 31.9 1,373 73.6
Broadcasters 1,236 37.6 208 11.1
Provincial 695 21.2 206 11.1
Federal 228 6.9 0 0.0
Private Funds 0 0.0 0 0.0
Producers 34 1.0 23 1.2
Foreign 36 1.1 53 2.9
Distributors 9 0.3 1 0.1
Other 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 3,287 100.0 1,864 100.0


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